This is our lesson plan for next week.
We're reading books about colors and learning through play!
The lessons look long, but there is a lot of repeating from day to day and things you don't actually have to prepare. Feel free to cut out projects or add additional ones as you need them.
Little Man is 18 Months old, so this lesson plan is geared for around his age group. You can find ways to make this appropriate for "older" toddlers. The books will certainly be okay for them.
If you would like a printable version of this lesson plan,
click here:
Book: Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Music/Movement: "Play" Row, Row, Row your Boat.
Sit on the floor across from your child, legs spread apart enough so you can hold your child's hands. As you sing the song, pull your child toward you while you lean away. Have your child lean back while you lean in. (like you're rowing) Little Man gets a kick out of doing this activity and claps a lot.
Creative Art/Fine Motor Skills: Tracing hands and coloring them.
Gross Motor Skills: Play ball! Using a few different sized balls practice rolling them back and forth and showing how to throw.
Speech & Vocab: Saying "thank you", pointing out colors.
Daily Life Skills: Being gentle.
Book: A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni
Gross Motor skills: Jumbo Legos. Talk about colors, help sort blocks into piles of different colors. Have fun stacking them and knocking them over! (fine and gross motor skills)
Music/Movement: Row, Row, Row your boat
Sensory: Jello play: Put jello in dishwashing tub. Let them play with it with their hands, and let them squish it with their feet. You could also do this in the bathtub.
Speech & Vocab: Saying "thank you", pointing out colors.
Daily Life Skills: Being gentle.
Book: White Rabbit's Color Book by Alan Baker
Fine motor skill/Art: Finger painting. Primary colors: red, blue yellow. Talk about
sensory: what does he feel?
Gross Motor: Chasing bubbles!
Speech & Vocab: Saying "thank you", pointing out colors.
Daily Life Skills: Being gentle.
Book: What makes a Rainbow by Betty Ann Schwartz
Music/Movement: Dancing to reggae music (using Pandora Radio). Encourage twirling, putting hands above his head, etc.
Sensory: Exploring toys in a laundry bag.
Fine Motor Skill: Toothpick and Spice Jar.
Speech & Vocab: Saying "thank you", pointing out colors.
Daily Life Skills: Being gentle.
Book: My First Colors Book by Dawn Sirett
Sensory: Walking across sticky side of parchment paper (sensory learning) describe what he's feeling.
Music/Movement: Row, Row, Row your boat
Speech & Vocab: Saying "thank you", pointing out colors.
Daily Life Skills: Being gentle.
Any ideas for a lesson plan theme? I'd love to hear them!