I have not been paid to review any of the products listed on Loving Life as Mommy.
I do, however, earn money from my blog. As of now, I do earn a small percentage when people purchase items through links I have set up though Amazon.
While I do not consider this a "for profit" blog (my goal is to document my life as a mom, not sell you things) I do put a LOT of work into it and feel it is okay for me to be paid for that time and effort.
With that being said: if I try something and don't like it, I won't recommend it. If I write I like something, it is because: I like it, I think it works, I think it's cool, I think it's pretty, I think it's entertaining. My point is: it's my opinion only. What works for me may not necessarily work for you.
Please rest assured that I try to honest with with I share on this blog. My first priority are my readers.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at:
lifeasmommy (at) yahoo (dot) com
This policy was last updated January 28, 2012