About Me

Thank you for reading my blog.  My name is Deanna.  I'm a twenty something year old stay-at-home-mom to Little Man and a wife to The Hubs. 

I started this blog to document my life as a stay-at-home-mom and to help encourage myself to make the most of my days.  I found it's really easy to get stuck in the day to day routine of running a household --it's a lot of work-- and decided I need to make more time to learn and create.  I believe it's the little things in life that make it special, and I don't think I'm going to experience it standing over a pile of dishes.  Yes, we all have responsibilities, and I'm not saying I'm throwing mine out the window, I'm just saying I want to make more time for some of the things I enjoy.

Since this blog is about my journey through motherhood I'll post  about a wide range of topics including: trying new recipes, sewing, crafting, projects and children's activities. I'm going to try to keep my blog fun and uplifting focusing on some of the fun (or funny) aspects of being a mom.  I'll also post how to's on some not as fun activities (read: freezer cooking and potty-training) but I hope you're encouraged by those posts, too.

My goal is to entertain, inspire, and encourage my readers as they read "my story".  I hope my readers  can learn some new ideas or skills from my blog and be entertained by our day to day activities. 
I look forward to getting to know my readers, too.  So please feel free to leave lots of comments!

My Disclosure policy

Here are some random things about me:

1.  The Hubs and I were married in a Zoo.  I'm not kidding....it was beautiful!

2.  The Hubs and I met when we were in High School but were friends for a few years before we started dating. We started dating in 2003 and were married in 2006.

3.  The best days of my life:  The Hubs coming home from Iraq, birth of Little Man, my wedding.

4.  Amazed (shocked) that I'm closer to being 30 than being 20.

5.  I love baking.  I would do it much more if I wasn't trying to watch my waistline.  

6.  I'm kind of a slob...It's something I'm working on.

7.  I'm pretty sure I have a little gremlin that lives in my house and hides dirty dishes and laundry.  Once I think I've gotten all the dishes clean or all the laundry put away I'll turn around and there's more. 

8.  I'm a "dog" person

9.  I love watching scary movies but end up closing my eyes for basically the whole thing.

10. I'm a Libra to a "T".  It's very difficult to make decisions...even simple ones.  The act of picking out a new lipgloss can take forever....bigger decisions take even longer.  Sometimes if I can't make up my mind I'll scrap the whole idea.